High Density Spent Fuel Storage Racks
Â×ÀíÈý¼¶ is the most experienced developer of fuel storage racks in the world, having designed, licensed, and fabricated fuel storage racks for over 100 operating reactors worldwide since the Â×ÀíÈý¼¶â€™s founding.
Shielded Transfer Cask
Â×ÀíÈý¼¶â€™s Shielded Transfer Cask (STC) provides a solution for wet transfer operations between two spent fuel pools located at one site.
DREAM Inserts for Enhanced Pool Reactivity Control
Â×ÀíÈý¼¶â€™s Device for Reactivity Mitigation (DREAM) insert provides a robust and economical alternative to moderate fuel reactivity without replacing the existing racks.
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